6 Habits That Cause Belly Fat

Published on 09/08/2014

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep each night can cause more problems than simply leaving a person tired and groggy the following day. This is one of the many weight loss tips that a lot of people may not be aware of. Our bodies increase the hormone known as cortisol when we don’t get enough sleep. A high cortisol level can increase appetite which makes it easier for us to overeat the day after we have been sleep deprived. This process is similar to what happens when we eat because of stress. Pounds get put on in the abdominal area more easily than other parts of the body. So a lack of sleep is not only a public health problem because of driving when sleep-deprived, but because piling on extra weight in the stomach area is more unhealthy than in most other parts of the body. Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to good health in many ways. Not watching television in the bedroom and creating a regular sleep routine are two simple but often effective ways to get a better night’s sleep.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Not Eating Enough Protein

Most popular diet plans available today include eating lots of lean protein. Protein helps balance blood sugar levels while keeping our metabolism up. Protein will also keep you full longer, reducing the amount you’ll eat over the course of the day. Eating two hard boiled eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel can keep you feeling full much longer throughout the day. Many nutritional experts agree that adding protein to the diet may be the single most important step for losing fat. While there may be some disagreement over exactly what kind of protein to include, for general good health as well as shaving pounds off your belly, it’s best to stick with lean, healthy protein. This can include different types of fish, chicken breast, turkey, and even eggs. If you don’t want to eat too much meat, protein can also be found in cottage cheese, quinoa, and a variety of nuts and beans. Even some veggies, such as peas and spinach have protein. If possible, try to eat at least some protein with every meal.

Variety of Proteins

Variety of Proteins