10 Exercises That People Over 40 MUST Avoid

Published on 10/11/2016


If you’ve seen a fitness video infomercial or searched for the latest online personal training courses then you’ve know doubt become accustomed to ab routines that have you doing hundreds of crunches and abdominal movements in a session. At face value there isn’t anything intrinsically wrong with crunches or sit ups but like all things, there is a bit of nuance involved. In order to do a crunch that effectively works your abs without damaging your body you need to stay completely ramrod straight with your spine. Think of a credit card as your back when you do a crunch: you don’t want that card to ever bend. When you start to lose form and bend then you’ll begin down the road of chronic back pain and poor results. Instead you can opt for planks, adding weight as you get more comfortable with the routine.




Machine Assisted Leg Extensions

If you are heading to the gym today with the idea of working out your legs then avoid this exercise and never look back. While the Leg Extensions Machine is in every gym around the world, apparently, it is also one of the more damaging machines you can run into — especially if you are getting a little bit older and starting to have knee concerns. The problem with machine assisted Leg Extensions is that it puts too much wear and tear right on your knee as you perform the up and down movement at an unnatural angle with unnatural pressure. A lot of younger athletes that incorporate this machine into their workout will find themselves running into chronic knee pain down the line. Avoid it, get rid of it, and move on to some better lifts. Sure the burn might feel good today but you won’t appreciate it for the years down the line that it will follow you.

Machine Assisted Leg Extensions

Machine Assisted Leg Extensions