10 Stunning Facts about the Brand New Google Car

Published on 06/16/2016

There is no steering wheel and no set of pedals.

We are positive that this following fact will freak people out. When you get into the Google Car you will notice one thing immediately: there are no pedals or steering wheels in the vehicle! Yup! You probably are already getting a little bit of anxiety, right? There is no fail safe where the human rider takes over control of the car. Much like in those science fiction books, you will be at the mercy of the vehicle. Fortunately these vehicles were designed for maximum safety, as we will get into later on in the list!

There is no steering wheel and no set of pedals

The Google Car has a 360 degree radar.

Without a pair of human eyes in the drivers seat the Google Car needs to be able to know where it is going. The 360 degree radar allows the Google car to keep a real time, complete view of its surroundings so that it can safely navigate you around possible hiccups in the road. The full 360 degree road view is actually better than a human driver. The natural progression here is to believe that the car will be safer almost by default due to this fact. The radar scans for fine details and it works in conjunction with the set of cameras that are also built onto the vehicle. The sensors help to kill blind spots as well as detect objects situated around the vehicle. The alleged range is two entire football fields, far more than you should never need to see all at once.

The Google Car has a 360 degree radar