9 Genius Travel Tips

Published on 07/17/2014

Lets take a look at some tips that will take your travel up an extra notch. Whether going on vacation or taking business trips, travel is stressful at times and can be out of your control. Keep these 9 genius tips in mind next time you hit the air, road or sea.

9 Key Travel Tips:

1. Read the traveler reviews

Pretty much anywhere you go these days you can look up the reviews online. Airlines, restaurants, attractions, hotels and nightlife should all be covered here. There’s so much information out there you’ll know where to go and what to do at all times for your entire trip. A trip is always good when having something to look forward to with your itinarary filled.


2. Buy travel insurance

It’s a good idea especially if others are involved with your luggage. It’s an awful feeling waiting for your luggage when you get off the plane, and never see it. Even on a cruise, you run a risk of at least damaging your luggage or have it stolen. And if you think about it, you have auto insurance, so traveling by car, your already insured. But, if staying in a hotel, you can still place insurance on your luggage as well.
