10 Surprising Reasons You are Always Hungry!

Published on 10/01/2016

Too Much Refined Food

Highly processed foods are bad for you no matter which way you cut it. The facts are in and the science shows that all of these boxed meals, frozen bags of junk food, and factory meats are doing our bodies no good. Processed foods have a lack of nutrient value while being high in sugar and caloric content. Your body naturally is trying to fulfill all of its nutrient needs and when it gets fed addictive chemicals and additives instead, it goes haywire. We’ll also add that high fructose corn syrup, a common ingredient in many foods and drinks, can inhibit the development of your leptin hormone — which signals that you are full. The next time that you go to purchase a meal you should look on the back of the bag. The more ingredients you see on the list the less likely you should be to actually buy the food.

Too Much Refined Food

Too Much Refined Food


Mistaking Cravings for Hunger

Hundreds of years ago we didn’t have such a prevalence of available food in society. If you wanted to eat something you had to go work to physically procure it. Whether you had to travel to the market to haggle or hunt up the food yourself, it just wasn’t a simple transaction. Now we can get food anywhere at anytime for any price and it has changed how we look at the term ‘hunger’. Hunger, it should be known, is a physical reaction to your body needing sustenance. Cravings are when you just really feel like a certain treat. Know the difference and stop yourself from giving in to cravings when it is hunger that you should be paying more attention to, instead.

Mistaking Cravings for Hunger

Mistaking Cravings for Hunger