Hamstring Stretches
Your body is full of connections that you simply don’t realize. Did you know that a good hamstring stretch will also offer you some back pain relief? In fact, this simple to do exercise has been an integral move for those that seek back pain remedies. Simply lie on your back with one knee bent. Next you will loop a bit of towel under the ball of your other foot. Slowly straighten your knee and pull back on the towel.. You’ll feel a tightening around the back of your leg. Hold this position for about half of a minute. Perform this move on both legs 2 to 4 times. It is important to note that you do not push yourself too far. A nice stretch will feel tight, but if you are going beyond your limits you will begin to feel pain.

Hamstring Stretches
Arm Raise ‘N Reach
For this maneuver all you need is a bit of floor and room to stretch out. This move is popular with those that practice Yoga and other body movement techniques. Simply get down on your hands and knees with your neck level and parallel to the floor. With your body in as straight a line as possible begin to raise your arm out in front of you. Stretch your arm out while maintaining your form and balance. Hold the stretch, as far as you can reach, for five seconds. Do each arm at least 10 times. This stretch will push you and attack your core while offering that vital back pain relief. You’ll probably get pretty sweaty doing this one, so don’t be afraid to take a little break.

Arm Raise ‘N Reach