Fast Food Staff Members Say: Avoid These 14 Menu Items!

Published on 09/25/2016

Taco Bell Beans

Rather than point at a specific menu item we are going to look at an ingredient found in many common Taco Bell dishes: the beans. Taco Bell staff make it known to avoid any dish containing the beans, which becomes pretty hard when you are ordering from a supposed Mexican restaurant. Employees say that the beans come from a rehydrated mix and that, over time, they start to congeal into the consistency of hair gel. Now just imagine a big mouthful of that sitting in your stomach. Sour cream is a miracle ingredient, we’re sure, but not even a glob of that could save these dishes for us. Pass.

Taco Bell Beans

Taco Bell Beans


McDonalds Chicken McNuggets

Now as a rule we are leery of any food that has the prefix of ‘Mc’ in front of it. That’s not a good sign for a high quality product. Yet somehow, for years, we’ve fooled ourselves into think that the Chicken McNuggets at McDonalds were okay. They aren’t, not how they are served in the restaurant anyway. Employees say that the McNuggets end up cooked and sitting under a heat lamp until someone orders them. The lamp has a timer that supposes when the food should be tossed, but it is routinely reset by busy employees. If you have to have some nuggets then you should request them fresh.

McDonalds Chicken McNuggets

McDonalds Chicken McNuggets