Top 10 Tips to Cook & Bake Your Perfect Dish!

Published on 10/12/2016

Oven temperatures are not gospel.

Every oven in the world will heat up to a slightly different degree than the one next to it. Much like microwaves (wattage may vary) the use of temperatures on a dial for ovens is more of a guiding hand than an exact science. As a chef you are probably better off thinking in three categories: low, medium, and finally hot. Monitor the food yourself rather than relying on temperatures and clocks and you’ll become a better cook because of it. Attune your noise and eyes to what food should look like and heave a food thermometer always on hand to give you an accurate temp reading before serving your dish. The food thermometer is far more accurate than your own oven.

Oven temperatures are not gospel

Oven temperatures are not gospel


Learn the ins and outs of measuring ingredients.

In some cooking realms you can get away with the ‘pinch’ and ‘dash’ method of incorporating your ingredients. What does a few extra granules of salt actually do, anyway? In baking, however, every little bit of your ingredient list is accounted for in a meticulous fashion. So in order to make sure that your baked goods come out right: learn to measure. You should have proper measuring spoons and cups as well as a kitchen scale. You should also use a spoon to fill up your measuring cups when working with dry ingredients. Using the measuring cup to scoop will lead to inaccurate readings as the compression of ingredients isn’t as strong and will thus leave you with an improper amount in your cup. When you scoop with a spoon you are able to pack down and level for a perfect dose.

Learn the ins and outs of measuring ingredients

Learn the ins and outs of measuring ingredients