8 Celebs You Never Thought Battled Major Depression Disorder

Published on 12/10/2014

Brad Pitt

Many men would kill to have what Brad Pitt has had for the last couple of decades. The Hollywood Heartthrob is one of the most bankable actors in the industry and his carefully managed career has turned him into a global legend. Things weren’t always easy for the star of ‘Fight Club’ as Brad Pitt reveals that he fought depression back in the ’90s. Pitt told reporters that he felt himself ‘wasting away’ and that he turned into a ‘stoner’ without any sort of compass in life. Pitt was so disgusted with himself, and his reliance on marijuana, that he sank into a pit of depression and self loathing. Brad points to his marriage to Jennifer Aniston as one of the other reasons for his funk. He claims that the two never really had what it took to be together and that they ‘faked it’ for a long time before realizing that it was hopeless. Brad eventually pulled himself up, as men with his success and abilities are wont, and eventually got himself clean and back on track. His famous marriage with Angelina Jolie reportedly revitalized him so much that it completely changed his life. Pitt has told reporters that Jolie ‘lives life’ in a way that few others do and that she has been integral in getting him re-focused on his artwork and living an enjoyment filled life.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt


JK Rowling

It is sort of fitting that one of the most magical authors of all time had to do battle with depression and the associated mental problems. J.K. Rowling rose to prominence off of the performance of her fantastic series, “Harry Potter”. Before long the books were a world wide phenomenon and Rowling was the richest female author on the planet. Before all of that happened, though, Rowling was struggling with a mad case of depression. Things got so bad for the famous British author that she even contemplated taking her own life. It sort of makes sense, we suppose. Rowling was a struggling single mother suffering to make ends meet. Her famous novels were written on crumpled napkins in between jobs and nothing was guaranteed. Rowling put bits and pieces of her depression into her writing with the most famous example being the monstrous Dementors. Dementors exist solely to feed on the life force and happiness of people around them, an obvious allusion to depression.

JK Rowling

JK Rowling