You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Shirt Loops

There are loops on some shirts, but why? Apparently, this was something that started with the men of the Navy. When they are out at sea, there are not a lot of places to store their clothes, so they started hanging them on hooks instead. In the ‘60s, college students did this when they went to the gym as well.

Shirt Loops

Shirt Loops


Colored Toothpaste Squares

Why is there a green, black, red, or blue block at the bottom of the toothpaste? This is called an “eye mark”. They are added to the tubes because they inform the assembly line machines which part should be cut and folded. The tubes of toothpaste would not be separated if these things did not exist.

Colored Toothpaste Squares

Colored Toothpaste Squares