You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Random Jean Buttons

Have you ever noticed the extra buttons added to your pants? If you wanted to know what they are, these are called rivets. They are placed on the trousers to prevent the seams from coming apart. Levi Strauss owns the patent. He came up with it after seeing how quickly the jeans of miners wore out.

Random Jean Buttons

Random Jean Buttons


Extra Fabric With New Clothes

What is up with that little bag that contains a tiny fabric sample of the shirt or dress that you bought? Many people think it is for patches, but this is not true. Who would have thought that it is meant to be used for the washer? It is like a trial clothe that will help you figure out the best way to wash it.

Extra Fabric With New Clothes

Extra Fabric With New Clothes