Use A Shoe Rack To Organize Cleaning Supplies
Shoe racks may be used to store just about everything, but they’re especially useful for organizing cleaning products. Keep them all on display on the back of a closet door instead of leaving them in a chaotic mess under your sink and having to get down on the floor to get a single cleaner. This method is tried, tested and efficient as ever- give it a go!

Use A Shoe Rack To Organize Cleaning Supplies
Place Spoons Under Your Eyes To ‘De-Puff’ Them
Chilly spoons applied under the eyes can help reduce puffiness because the cool temperature constricts blood vessels and the pressure of the spoon against the skin aids lymphatic drainage of excess fluid. So if your eyes are harboring bags, try this method to relieve them! The results may be better than you think!

Place Spoons Under Your Eyes To ‘De-Puff’ Them