Hilarious Windshield Notes That Are Just Pure Genius

Published on 12/10/2018

There are two types of people in life, when it comes to road rage. The first group of road rage folks will scream and shout and throw things in their car. The second group of road ragers will harness all of their anger and wit before letting it out in a carefully designed note that they’ll stuff under their targets’ windshield wiper. We decided to focus on the second group because they tend to be way funnier. Listed below are some hilarious notes that people shoved into various windshields!

Turtle, Turtle

At first glance, I would say, “Aww a turtle, how cute.” But then I read the rest of the note and I’m like, “Oh…never mind.”

Turtle, Turtle

Turtle, Turtle


Parking Meme to the Rescue

So much can be said with so little…and this paper is the perfect example of that! What we have here at face value is a pretty self explanatory situation: someone used a classic meme to attack someone else’s parking. What we can infer from this situation is actually pretty deep. The fact that this person had a freshly printed meme at the ready, means that this is likely an ongoing issue. We’d like to imagine that the memes are gradually getting more and more severe as the parking jerk continues to ignore how they are making everyone mad by parking in the wrong spot.

Parking Meme to the Rescue

Parking Meme to the Rescue