Preventing Yellow Teeth: 10 Great Tips For a Beautiful Smile!

Published on 10/10/2016

Chew sugarless gum more often.

Here’s a fun fact: your saliva actually neutralizes the negative effects of the acid that you’ll run into while eating. So if you want to really get after your yellowing teeth in a creative way then you should try and keep a pack of sugarless gum on you while you go out to eat. Chew some gum after your meal and trigger the manufacturing of saliva. This is an easy tip that everyone should follow. Just make sure not to accidentally grab a pack of sugar sweet gum.

Beautiful woman showing her perfect teeth

Beautiful woman showing her perfect teeth


Quit smoking or never start.

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your health. Not only will your lungs thank you for quitting smoking but your teeth will as well. Smoking is one of the biggest problem causing factors in regards to your teeth. Tobacco usage will lead to stains on your teeth that eventually start to rot away at the enamel at its core. These stains are hard to brush off and they eventually become permanent the more you smoke. After a certain amount of time you will run into bigger issues as well such as gum disease and fully destroyed teeth that require cosmetic dental surgery to fix.

Quit smoking or never start

Quit smoking or never start