9 Popular Diets Among Celebrities

Published on 01/12/2015

Weight Watchers

While this may not seem to be a “celebrity” diet, plenty of celebrities have claimed to have lost lots of weight using this diet system. Some people may find the point system tedious, but it makes it easy to keep track of what you’ve eaten throughout the day. Each food is assigned a certain amount of points. Foods that generally fill people up are given fewer points while foods that are considered empty calories are given a higher amount of points. Weight Watchers makes it easy by allowing people to pretty much eat what they want as long as they stay within the number of points allowed each day. There aren’t any foods that are kept off limits and the program allows for indulgences. Because of its basic, common sense approach, Weight Watchers is considered one of the safest diets to follow. It may also be one of the diets that is easiest to stick to after losing the weight. The program has gone online and can be followed on your iPhone. Jennifer Hudson was the celebrity face for Weight Watchers when she dropped 80 pounds. Jessica Simpson is currently representing the company and touting her own weight loss using the diet plan.

Weight Watchers - Jennifer Hudson

Weight Watchers – Jennifer Hudson

The Macrobiotic Diet

The concept of macrobiotics and finding balance in life has been around for several years. The Macrobiotic Diet promotes this along with a way to lose weight that includes foods such as sea vegetables, brown rice, beans, and soup. Anything refined or chemically preserved is discouraged. Chewing food slowly, pausing between bites, and being thankful for your food is also part of the diet, making it more than just a diet but a philosophy. Considering this aspect of the program it’s not surprising that Madonna is one of its followers. This diet also boasts health benefits along with losing weight. It may improve cardiovascular health as well as help control diabetes. This eating program is very different from the average American diet and may be one of the most difficult to stick with. Along with intense workouts with her personel trainer, it’s no wonder Madonna still looks great well into her fifties when following such a strict eating routine.

The Macrobiotic Diet - Madonna

The Macrobiotic Diet – Madonna